FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III

Texas mom loses 2 children in distracted driving crash [Video]

Types of Accidents

Dee Estelle, her husband and their 3 children were singing Christmas songs on their way home from seeing Christmas lights when a driver slammed into them at 70 mph.

HOUSTON — Birthdays are tough for Dee Estelle. Her daughter Gabbie would have turned 28 on Wednesday if a distracted driver hadn’t killed her in 2015. 

Estelle, her husband and their three children were heading home a few days before Christmas after seeing the holiday lights at Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth. 

The family was laughing and singing Christmas songs when a driver who was texting slammed into them at 70 mph. 

Gabbie, then 19, and her brother, 23-year-old Alex Trejo, were killed. 

“I refused to believe that they were gone but I think in my heart I knew they were,” Estelle said at a news conference on her daughter’s birthday. “And I kept telling them, ‘Hey it’s mom, wake …

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