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Russian influencer, 23, sentenced to ten months in prudish Putins hard labour gulag for tickling breast of war statue [Video]


A RUSSIAN influencer has been sentenced to prison for “tickling the breast” of a famous war statue.

Alena Agafonova, 23, will be sent to Vladimir Putin’s infamous gulag jail where she will be forced to do 10 months of hard labour.

Alena Agafonova, 23, weeping after being convicted of the ‘Rehabilitation of Nazism’ by a Russian court todayCredit: East2West
She has also been banned from social media for two years and will lose ten per cent of her future earningsCredit: East2West
She filmed herself pretending to ‘tickle’ the breast of a Russian war statue
A Russian law enforcement officer taking her up to the courtCredit: East2West

She has been convicted of the “Rehabilitation of Nazism” by a Russian court for a social media video she filmed last year at the famous war statue of The Motherland Calls.

The memorial, a 279ft statue of a woman brandishing a sword, commemorates the “Heroes of …

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