Emergency Response

A plane full of passengers was evacuated moments before takeoff after a bomb threat was emailed to air traffic control [Video]

A bomb threat moments before takeoff saw nearly 200 British Airways passengers evacuated onto the tarmac at an airport on the Atlantic island of Bermuda.

According to a recording of communications between the pilots and controllers, the Boeing 777 had been cleared to take off to London when an urgent message came from air traffic control.

“Speedbird 18B cancel takeoff clearance, cancel takeoff clearance,” the controller said. “We have received some information regarding a bomb threat.”

The controller said the airport duty office received an email saying there was a bomb on board the plane, which was carrying 197 people.

They then told the pilots to stay on the runway, as they figured out how to deal with the threat.

The pilot is heard staying calm as he requests “full emergency services” but repeatedly asks for updates on the evacuation.

“It’s 40 minutes now since you gave us the bomb threat. We really should have fire engines surrounding the aircraft,” he …

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