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Baby Reindeer’s ‘real-life stalker’ Fiona Harvey in talks with lawyer as Netflix warned it may have ‘big legal problem’ [Video]

Legal and Insurance Aspects

THE real-life inspiration for Baby Reindeer’s stalker character ‘Martha’ is now seeking legal advice, it has emerged.

Fiona Harvey, who opened up about her experience in an interview with Piers Morgan last week, is now speaking with a barrister who previously acted for footballer Ryan Giggs.

Richard Gadd and Jessica Gunning portraying characters in Baby ReindeerCredit: Ed Miller/Netflix
Fiona Harvey opened up about her experience in an interview with Piers MorganCredit: PA
Fiona accused Gadd of ‘making money out of untrue facts’Credit: Netflix

The Netflix hit show Baby Reindeer depicts comedian Donny Dunn – played by writer Richard Gadd, 34 – being pursued by obsessive stalker Martha Scott, played by Jessica Gunning, 38.

The programme, which had 13.3 million viewers tuning in during its first week, depicts ‘Martha’ being jailed after accepting guilt for stalking.

But lawyer Chris Daw KC told Mirror: “Netflix has sold Baby Reindeer as a ‘true story’… ‘Martha’ …

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