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Bradenton, Palmetto police deployed to RNC [Video]

Local law enforcement leaders continue monitoring for any public safety risks and are on alert due to the heightened political climate .

BRADENTON, Fla. — As the Republican National Convention kicked off Monday, some Tampa Bay-area police officers are in Milwaukee to help with security. 

Bradenton and Palmetto officers arrived this weekend and have already started working. This as local law enforcement agencies continue to stay vigilant and monitor for any potential political violence threat level at home.

The team deployed to the RNC includes 15 officers from the Bradenton Police Department and two officers from the Palmetto Police Department. They join thousands of officers nationwide funded by federal grants to assist the Secret Service.

“They are working 10 to 12-hour shifts and depending on the law-enforcement agency, there’s that coverage in that outer perimeter 24/7 throughout this event,” said Meredith Censullo, PIO, Bradenton Police Department.

The officers are helping …

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