Emergency Response

Central Illinois showed appreciation to first responders for EMS week [Video]

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Last week was Emergency Medical Services week, and people throughout Central Illinois showed their appreciation to first responders, ambulance drivers and dispatchers.

For EMS dispatchers, they say every day is different. You never know what people are going to need help with, and on top of that, there are so many moving pieces to coordinate. They say it’s a job where you have to be your best on somebody’s worst day.

“We have to have our ears open at all times and be very aware of what’s going on in each division that we cover,” said Michael Arellano, Arrow telecommunicator. “So that if somebody is tied up, someone else can quickly jump in and kind of take over.”

Arellano has been a dispatcher for the past few years. He said the job is more than just taking calls. He needs to know everything from medication protocols …

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