FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I

Child hit by cyclist crossing the street to catch school bus in the Plateau [Video]

Preventing Accidents

A video circulating on social media of a young girl being hit by a bike has some calling for cyclists to be more attentive and follow the rules of the road when riding in heavily populated residential areas.

The video shows a four-year-old girl crossing Jeanne-Mance Street in Montreal’s Plateau neighbourhood to get on a school bus stopped on the opposite side of the street.

The bus is not at an intersection, but the school bus’ flashing stop sign is extended.

The girl looks to her right, seemingly to check for cars, but while crossing, is hit by a cyclist coming up the bike path on the left.

The child immediately gets up, appearing to be unharmed. 

The cyclist, who fell off their bike, also appears unharmed.

The Quebec Highway Safety Code (HSC) notes that cyclists, like cars, must stop when a school bus stop sign is extended and flashing.

“Cyclists must stop at least five metres from a …

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