Traumatic Brain Injuries

Could Contact Sports Raise Risks for a Parkinsons-like Disorder? [Video]

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Repeat head injuries can trigger a form of brain damage known as CTE in athletesNow, new research reveals how CTE can raise the odds for a movement disorder called parkinsonismParkinsonism shares some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but its origins in the brain differ

WEDNESDAY, July 17, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Autopsies of deceased boxers and pro football players have long confirmed that repeat head injuries can lead to a devastating brain condition known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

Now, research supports the notion that contact sports can also raise the odds for a Parkinson’s-like disease, called parkinsonism, in athletes already affected by CTE.

In the new study, “subjects with parkinsonism were more likely to have more severe CTE-related brain cell death in a region of the brainstem important for controlling movement,” noted study lead author Dr. Thor Stein. He’s an associate professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at Boston University.

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