FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II

DNR or CPR? [Video]

Advocacy and Safety Campaigns


Being asked if you want CPR or prefer for Do Not Resuscitate is a stunning question for most patients.  Being asked about receiving CPR is actually a normal and common question that is asked of patients admitted in the hospital.  It is not intended to frighten patients but as disease states advance and patients realize that cure may not be possible, many prefer to be allowed to have a natural death.   Choosing to not have resuscitation attempted is a common choice.  Patients and families that have been educated about their advanced disease stage understand their clinical situation like to know they have options and can still be offered things they can accept. 
Patients that have no curative measure available may find that accepting CPR and possible successful resuscitation to face further non curative treatment.  They may feel that their choice to continue aggressive care is not the path they want to continue to follow.  Patients that want comfort focused care are offered to have a community DNR form and elect to have their physician sign this order to keep with them and have it placed in their medical chart.  it is a brave patient with a loving and supportive family that faces these difficult decisions and elects for a natural death.  Care is offered even when cure is not possible.  Compassion and care should be offered and ensured to patients that have these difficult situations. 

0:00 Closed Captions
0:27 Intro
1:27 Clinical scenario
2:23 Honest communication
4:52 CPR history
6:53 Media vs Reality
9:42 CPR truths
12:02 the process and outcomes of CPR
14:04 Code Blue Team!
15:29 CPR does not Cure
17:20 Summary

As we create content on this channel, we encourage you to reach out to us with any specific questions you may have regarding these kinds of topics. Please do not leave any personal information in a public comment. If you are more comfortable doing so, you may email us directly at [email protected]

Trigger Warning:
If the discussion of death, dying, or the end of life process is bothersome to you, this channel is not for you.
If you are made uncomfortable by the discussion of health, hospice, palliative medicine, the end of life process, or medical terminology, you may be made uncomfortable by this video.

You Only Die Once is a virtual place for sharing information, both facts and opinions, about the end of life process. Dr. Bohn and Dr. Tartaglia are both actively practicing osteopathic physicians. Both are dual boarded in family medicine and hospice and palliative medicine. You Only Die Once intends to provide a casual environment to share information about hospice and palliative medicine for the patient, the family, and the practitioner. This channel is not intended to provide medical advice, but rather as an educational resource to allow patients, providers, and families to make informed decisions.

You Only Die Once is created by Dr. Sara Bohn and Dr. Lisa Tartaglia.
You Only Die Once is produced and edited by Auburn Huhmann.

FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III