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Family of slain mother in Las Vegas law firm shooting shares ex’s violent past: ‘Lived in constant fear’ [Video]

Preventing Accidents

The family of the woman gunned down last week alongside her prominent Las Vegas attorney husband by her ex-father-in-law is shedding new light on the tragedy, saying the situation could have been avoided.

“Despite a slow-moving court battle for protection, and one that ultimately failed her, Ashley lived in constant fear for her safety and that of her children,” Paul and Julie Page, the parents of Ashley Prince, said in a statement released earlier this week. “She battled relentlessly and, unfortunately, all our fears became our reality.”

Prince, 30, was being represented by her new husband, Dennis Prince, 57, during a child custody deposition at his Las Vegas law firm when shots were fired. 

“For the past two years, we have felt helpless and devastated as we witnessed Ashley endure verbal and mental abuse and threats at the hands of her former husband, Dylan Houston,” the Page family said. 


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