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Five steps you can take to manage money better as top financial regrets revealed | Personal Finance | Finance [Video]

The cost of living crisis has become a mental health crisis with millions worried about how to make ends meet.

Young adults are fearful about being able to keep a roof over their head while older people are concerned about poverty at retirement age.

Personal finance experts insist it does no good to bury your head in the sand, instead taking a series of small steps can create a path to financial and emotional well-being.

Money saving and investing app Moneybox recently quizzed 4,000 adults, with nearly half (47 percent) admitting to having money-based regrets causing them to stress related to finance.

Some 28 percent of those surveyed said stretched finances have caused them stress and 27 percent say this financial stress has already negatively affected their mental health.

The most common financial regrets that people have are:

Not prioritising saving more when younger

Not starting to save for a comfortable retirement earlier in …

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