Legal and Insurance Aspects

Free legal advice offered to Kansas residents [Video]

WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) – With just a few clicks Kansas residents are able to have free legal advice.   

Attorneys registered to the site are able to answer many civil questions but not criminal.  

“And those are broken down into categories on the website when you submit so that might be a question about a contract or finances. It might also be a family dispute or domestic dispute,” said public defender Mitch Biebighauser. 

The program has been online since May 1. 

Biebighauser said he has already seen an outpouring of responses from Kansas residents in need of legal assistance.  

“There are a lot of people in Wichita that don’t have the means to hire an attorney and it’s just a fact and we see a lot of those and wanna be able to help with this new service and i think that’s a fantastic idea,” added Sedgwick County law librarian.  

The program is geared toward people unable to afford …

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