FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II

Get FREE pint of Heineken if you spill your beer as brewery giant launches new scheme -& swish fashion statement to boot [Video]

Legal and Insurance Aspects

PUBS will replace spilt beer during tonight’s England match as part of the world’s first insurance policy for booze.

Punters who drop their pints of Heineken during the Three Lions’ clash with Slovenia will be able to get a fresh beer for free under the scheme, branded “HeineCare”.

The ‘Pint-cho’ is available in two different colours inspired by Heineken
The lightweight garment will help protect Three Lions fans from flying boozeCredit: LNP

Fans fearful of getting a soaking from pub-goers can also pick up a booze-themed “Pint-cho” poncho to cover up.

Experts estimate around 11 million pints are dropped by fans every year during big sporting events – enough to fill over two Olympic swimming pools.

The waterproof garments were developed by Amsterdam-based rainwear brand Rainkiss and are said to be beer-resistant.

The pint insurance scheme will be piloted at five pubs in London, Liverpool, Newcastle, Manchester and Leeds tonight.

Heineken …

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