Disaster Preparedness

Homemade Baby Food Recipes (Plus, How to Prep and Store) [Video]

Is baby ready to start eating solids? Where does a mama even begin? Get Genevieve’s best homemade baby food recipes, plus some helpful tips and tricks.

Pull out the bibs. Your little one is hitting a major milestone—eating solids. It’s an exciting time of researching and trying different homemade baby food recipes, storage techniques, and maybe even baby food makers.

With so much to learn and look into on this next leg of the journey, you likely have tons of questions about baby food for your infant. Here, we’ll cover:

Babies begin showing signs they’re ready to start exploring solids around six months. At this age, they have some trunk control and are able to hold their torsos upright. They’ll also show other signs of being ready to start baby food like being interested in your food, being able to support the weight of their heads, and being able to grasp objects or food between their thumb and forefinger.

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