Types of Accidents

Huntsville hands-free ordinance to be enforced July 1 [Video]

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WHNT) — If you’re caught on your phone while driving, you will pay for it. The City of Huntsville is enforcing its update to the statewide hands-free ordinance on July 1, which is next Monday.

The ordinance aims to promote safety on the roads and lower the impact distracted driving has on emergency services. Community Relations Coordinator of Huntsville Emergency Medical Services Inc., better known as HEMSI, Don Webster claimed that the organization has seen an increase in car crashes calling for emergency medical personnel.

Hands Free law now in effect in Alabama

“We have seen lives lost, families torn apart due to the momentary loss of loved ones in the instances of distracted driving,” Webster said.

The hands-free ordinance is now a first offense, meaning that law enforcement can pull someone over for simply seeing a phone in their hand while they drive. The person being pulled over does not need to be violating any …

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