Safety Equipment and Gear

I Can’t Believe The Acolyte’s Cool Helmet Is Han’s Hoth Jacket All Over Again [Video]

Lots of shocking things came out of this week’s episode of The Acolyte, but for me, one stands above the rest. It’s the fact that our new favorite maybe-Sith, the Stranger, is wearing a bronze helmet, not a black helmet.

Florida Family Takes NASA to Court Over Home Damaged by Space Trash

Florida Family Takes NASA to Court Over Home Damaged by Space Trash

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably seen the episode already or at least one of the episodes with this creepy new villain so you have an idea of what he looks like. Well, after the episode, Hasbro released images of its replica version of the helmet and it’s bright bronze, which I found shocking. Watching the show, I thought it was black. Star Wars bad guys (Vader, Maul, Kylo, Palpatine) tend to like black.

The prop replica helmet.
Image: Hasbro

The assumption here is one of two things. The most likely possibility is that, in the reality …

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