FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I

I took my 2 toddlers into first class on a flight. Parents shouldn’t be scared to do the same. [Video]

Sports and Recreation Injuries

When my surgeon told me that after my ACL reconstruction surgery, I was going to have to delay my trip to Florida, I panicked. I had planned the whole trip so my twin daughters and I could fly together to spend some time in the sun with the grandparents.

I had to change my tickets, and when I checked the airline’s website, the only three available were in first class.

I doubted whether it was crazy to take not only one toddler but two on first class, and what other passengers would think of us. I worried someone was going to be mean to me or them, especially since one of them would be flying across the aisle from me.

Turns out, no one cared, and we had a memorable flight.

I prepped them before the flight

My husband and our older child were sitting at the back of the plane, so I explained to the twins what was happening before …

What you need to know about GIVETAXFREE.ORG
What you need to know about GIVETAXFREE.ORG