Emergency Response

In a historic legislative session, some big reforms for Maine still fell short [Video]

Legal protection for providers of abortion and gender-affirming care. A ban on paramilitary activity by groups planning to cause civil disorder.

Mandated background checks for private gun purchases and additional power for police to seize weapons from people who may pose a threat.

And millions of dollars for emergency shelters, affordable housing programs and crisis receiving centers to expand mental health care.

Maine lawmakers and Gov. Janet Mills created significant new laws during this year’s legislative session. While mostly wrapped up, lawmakers are expected to return to Augusta for one more day to take up vetoes from the governor and possibly decide how to allocate remaining funds among dozens of bills competing for the money. And Mills has until early this week to sign or veto more bills.

Except for emergency legislation, the new laws will take effect 90 days after the Legislature adjourns.

But, while the 131st Legislature took some historic steps, …

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