Legal and Insurance Aspects

Jakpas outburst in court irrelevant to case Lawyer [Video]

Private legal practitioner, Kweku Paintsil does not think the outburst of the third accused in the controversial ambulance trial has any bearing on the substantive matter.

According to the lawyer, the mere fact that the witness, Richard Jakpa, introduced the purported issue of a prior conversation with the Attorney General, Godfred Dame, cannot change the course of the trial.

On the back of that, he insists that Mr. Dame did nothing wrong in deciding not to respond to Mr. Jakpa during the hearing where he was physically present.

He said this on Newsfile on Saturday, June 1, 2024.

“The mere introduction of that evidence at the stage that he claimed the Attorney General was annoying him or whatever, I personally would not see how at the end of it, if we are summing up the case you can introduce that to sway or to persuade the judge or to make the judge believe that something that transpired out of …

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