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Join Devolver Digital for Volvys 15th Birthday Party This June [Video]

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Devolver Digital, proud purveyors of hand-crafted indie games and substandard legal advice, invite you to join them at devolverdirect.com on June 7 at 5:00p.m. Pacific Time for what promises to be another summer video game showcase.

This year Devolver Digital is celebrating their beloved mascot Volvy’s 15th birthday, and as such will be showering partygoers with a big handful of gaming gifts, including updates and release dates for upcoming titles as well as some exciting new reveals.

Clocking in at approximately 20 minutes, Volvy’s 15th Birthday Party is a short but sweet opportunity to gather around your loved ones and celebrate gaming’s favorite mascot without anything weird happening. Tune in to the totally normal festivities to learn why on earth we would say that.

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