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Law on pet groomers, breeders expected soon [Video]

New legislation regulating pet groomers, breeders, walkers and boarding is expected by the end of next month, Parliamentary Secretary for Animal Rights Alicia Bugeja Said has announced.

Bugeja Said was speaking six months after a public consultation on the issue was held.

“A number of submissions were made from that consultation. We have concluded our drafts and, soon, they will be put to cabinet,” the junior minister said.

Once approved by the cabinet, the changes will be announced in a legal notice, meaning they will not have to go through parliament.

The changes will come in the “coming weeks or months”, she said but later clarified that the legislation will be published by the end of May.

In 2021, the Animal Welfare Commission appealed for legislation to regulate the sector and, a year after, the Malta SPCA made similar calls.   

Earlier this month, Animal Welfare Commissioner Alison Bezzina criticised the …

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