FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I

Leander man watches home burn after battery explosion [Video]

Types of Accidents

It took less than 30 minutes for an explosion from a vacuum battery to spark a fire that has left a man and his family with nothing.

LEANDER, Texas — Leander resident Shaun Noll never expected to spend Easter morning going through the wreckage of his home.

But that’s where he found himself after a battery for his cordless vacuum exploded. 

On Thursday, Noll’s two young sons were in his living room when a battery that had been plugged into the wall charging a cordless vacuum exploded.

“The oldest one, you know, noticed the smell, turned and saw the battery had just basically, you know, started a little fire,” Noll said. “Then they both ran next door to the neighbor.”

The neighbor tried to help, but quickly realized there was a much bigger problem and called Noll.

“While I was on the phone, he said, ‘Oh, oh snap, we need …

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