Types of Accidents

Local hero’s life-saving turn forges new career path for himself [Video]

“Through CPR and through AED in our training, we brought him back to life in just under a minute,” said Isho.

BOISE, Idaho — Every superhero has an origin story, and the heart of a good origin story reveals your motivation or your “why.” It also creates a level of connection and validity to the hero.

That is especially true for Noail Isho a local man that says he went from being a drowning victim to the one doing the saving.

“My family moved to Boise as refugees in 2010, when I was 13 years old,” Isho said.

One of the first things Isho and his family did when getting to the city of trees was taking a dip in the water at the downtown Boise YMCA.

Isho says the water was uncharted territory for him and didn’t know how to swim, but that didn’t stop him from jumping in. …

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