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National Dance/Movement Therapy Advocacy Day (October 15th) [Video]

What fun it is to dance and spread awareness on National Dance/Movement Therapy Advocacy Day! Held every October 15th, this special day shines a light on the benefits of dance therapy.

It’s a day to bring joy and share the uplifting effects the movement has on mental health. People celebrate this day by coming together to promote dance therapy and its positive impact on well-being.

Dance therapy is more than just moving to the beat; it’s about using movement to express emotions and improve overall health.

Therapists and advocates emphasize how dance can help with stress, anxiety, and trauma. It’s a unique way to process emotions and find healing through movement, something words can’t always provide. The day also aims to show how this practice can enhance mental clarity and emotional balance.

By spreading the word about dance therapy, advocates hope to make it more widely recognized and accessible.

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