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NDC raises more concerns over ECs integrity over missing BVR kits [Video]

The National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia, has voiced doubts regarding the Electoral Commission’s credibility following recent events.

At a press conference in Accra on Thursday, May 9, Mr Nketia expressed reservations about the EC’s trustworthiness in light of the theft of biometric voter registration kits.

Addressing the gathering on May 9, the party chairman indicated that “We raised an issue, and the electoral commission came in quickly to the rubbish they claim that we still nevertheless call for an emergency IPAC meeting to deal with that issue but these questions remain unanswered,” he said.

Mr Nketia added that the opposition Members of Parliament subsequently communicated the questions to the EC.

The Commission earlier today responded to the NDC claiming that it had put measures in place to ensure a transparent registration process.

But Johnson Asiedu Nketia will have none of that.

“Therefore the EC cannot expect the NDC to believe and trust …

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