Legal and Insurance Aspects

New Biden Ad Warns Black People Of Trump Health Care Plans [Video]

The latest ad from President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign touts all the health care work his administration has done specifically with Black America in mind while ripping Donald Trump’s vows to strike down the Affordable Care Act (ACA), President Barack Obama’s signature health care law credited for helping to secure health insurance for a record number of Black people.

Aptly titled “Failure,” the 30-second spot running all month long warns as Election Day rapidly approaches that the ACA, more commonly known as Obamacare, could end up being a thing of the past if Trump is elected – especially for the more than 3 million Black people who depend on it for health care coverage. Such prospects would be compounded, the ad says, because Trump has also promised to undo other health care protections Biden secured, potentially resulting in skyrocketing costs of health care premiums and prescription drugs like insulin, which treats diabetes, a chronic …

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