FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III

Oceana Co. sheriff offers update on fatal Silver Lake Sand Dunes crash [Video]

Legal and Insurance Aspects

GOLDEN TOWNSHIP, Mich. — On the day family announced memorial services for Kadie Price, Oceana County Sheriff Craig Mast told FOX 17 a possible mechanical issue on the modified Jeep that lost control might have played a major role in her death.

Mast explained how popular the Silver Lake Sand Dunes are, with close to two million visitors every year.

Oceana Co. Sheriff offers update on fatal Silver Lake Sand Dunes crash

Many of them go to watch the drag racing, which is what Price and her family were doing on May 26.

Mast said the drag racing is legal and, statistically speaking, is safe. According to Mast, the sheriff’s office responds to several injuries there on a weekly basis, but rarely any fatalities. In fact, there hadn’t been a single one dating back to at least the start of last season until Price’s death.

That’s why Mast is calling it a “freak accident.”

READ MORE: Investigation continues into …

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