Grief and Loss

Once your nervous system starts to feel safe… [Video]

Once your nervous system starts to feel safe…

Once your nervous system starts to experience safety after being stuck in survival mode for so long, it’s very normal to experience sadness and grief.

It can feel strange to be sad when you’re physically healing and able to start living life again. But this is actually a positive sign that your brain feels safe enough to process past trauma. ❤️‍🩹

About 6 months into brain retraining, I stated to experience this and didn’t know how to handle it.

The program I started with was excellent and brought me so much healing progress (that I will forever be grateful for), but it didn’t give me the tools I needed to process trauma and repressed emotions—which is a very important aspect of nervous system healing.

I started integrating nervous system practices I found through my own research (including somatic work, trauma release, belief work, etc). This has been so impactful for me. As I have continued to heal, my brain retraining and nervous system practices have evolved and changed.

I’ve recently started going through the Primal Trust program and am finding it to be the most holistic and realistic brain retraining program I’ve gone through as of yet. In addition to brain rewiring it has somatic practices, trauma processing resources, vagus nerve toning, etc. 🥰

[The code Rach10 will give a discount on Primal Trust.]

I plan to continue sharing more about my experience with it! Keep in mind, there are lots of great brain retraining programs out there and there are always many paths to healing. 🫶🏻

These programs are just toolkits to help you heal you. Always go with what resonates with you and leave the rest! ❤️️

P.S. Other great accounts to follow for nervous system & somatic work are (my amazing coach 🥰) ✨

#brainretraining #chronicillness #healingjourney

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