FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III

One San Antonio councilman doesn’t want you to give money to panhandlers. Here’s why. [Video]

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In 2019, Manny Pelaez helped launch SA Gives, a program encouraging San Antonio to text donations, instead of giving to panhandlers.

SAN ANTONIO — Signs reading “Panhandling. It’s okay to say no for your safety and theirs. Please give to local charities that help those in need,” stand across four intersections on the northside. 

Councilman for district 8, Manny Pelaez is behind the signs. 

“I’m asking San Antonio to make a difficult choice, and that is when they see somebody in trouble in need of help to not roll the window down, but instead when they get home, open your web browser and make donations to the agencies that are going to use those dollars and stretch them,” he said. 

It isn’t the first time the councilman has discouraged people giving to panhandlers. In 2019, he helped launch SA Gives, a program encouraging San Antonio to text donations, instead of giving to panhandlers. 

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