Traumatic Brain Injuries

Pop-Up Safety Town teaches kids how to avoid common dangers [Video]

The Pop-Up Safety Town Initiative was created by University of Michigan Dr. Andy Hashikawa in 2017. Image credit: Greta Guest.
Children enter Pop-Up Safety Town, a U-M initiative that’s helped thousands of pre-school and grade-school students in Michigan avoid concussions and other injuries. Image credit: Jeremy Marble

Jamie Hector smiled as his 6-year-old daughter Coral chose a red bike helmet at the Pop-Up Safety Town event at a local school gymnasium. That helmet, which she promptly covered with cute cat stickers, could save her from a trip to the emergency room.

Coral also learned about pedestrian and medication safety along with dog bite prevention—part of the Pop-Up Safety Town Initiative created by University of Michigan pediatrician Andy Hashikawa in 2017.

The initiative, now part of the U-M Concussion Center, provides critical education on concussion prevention, pedestrian and medication safety and dog bite prevention to communities across the state.

The initiative …

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