Legal and Insurance Aspects

Prosecution takes big blow in federal prostitution case – [Video]

“When you have evidence like this thrown out, that’s the end of the case,” legal analyst Scott Goodman said.

Brian Lamont Turner faces over a dozen human trafficking and prostitution charges. Now his case might be dropped.

“The evidence may be totally overwhelming against them. But if they can raise a Fourth Amendment issue like this … ” Goodman said.

Back in April, Turner fired his lawyer and filed a motion on his own to suppress any evidence from his cell phone. He said the search violated his Fourth Amendment rights. The judge agreed and approved the motion.

“If the FBI agent had gotten a search warrant then this evidence could have been admitted. It’s really inexplicable why it did not happen,” Goodman said.

Court records show that Turner abandoned his phone at a crime scene in South Carolina. Police there had it marked as a personal item and the …

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