Advocacy and Safety Campaigns Preventing Accidents

PSAs from Ad Council, NHTSA seek to educate parents on hot car death risks [Video]

It might seem like common sense to not leave children in a hot car, but there are plenty of misconceptions around how these tragedies occur.

That’s why the Ad Council, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the agency Chemistry launched a pair of minute-long PSAs Wednesday morning highlighting the risks of heatstroke. 

Unveiled on National Heatstroke Prevention Day, the goal of the Never Happens campaign is to educate parents and caretakers on the dangers of hot cars and dispel the notion that these preventable deaths only occur in extreme heat. 

The multimedia campaign is rolling out in English and Spanish through various advertising channels including national TV, radio, print, out-of-home and digital ads. 

The target audience are caregivers and parents of children, reminding them that while they never think that such an unfortunate event could happen, it does.

Nearly 1,000 kids have died in hot cars over the past 25 years, according to Michelle Hillman, chief campaign development officer …

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