FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I

Rammstein Reportedly Sued for Plagiarism by French Synth Band [Video]

Legal and Insurance Aspects

Industrial rock band Rammstein is reportedly being sued by French synthwave group Ninja Cyborg for plagiarism. Ninja Cyborg has claimed that the German rock band stole elements of their track “The Sunny Road” from 2018 to use for Rammstein’s 2019 track “Deutschland”.

[See Rammstein Live on Tour in Europe]

Ninja Cyborg is made up of Marc Botté and Martin Antiphon. The band has alleged that Rammstein stole the song’s guitar riff, specifically, from “The Sunny Road”. After seeking legal advice from the Paris Court of Appeal to see if they had a case, the pair have allegedly motioned to sue Rammstein.

The legal expert assisting Ninja Cyborg in the case is Richard Dubugnon, who stated that Rammstein has “voluntarily borrowed the riff and other melodic elements” from “The Sunny Road”, and also noted that the similarities are far too close to consider a coincidence. 

Ninja Cyborg Has Also Been Accused Of Plagiarizing Rammstein By The German Band’s …

FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III