Legal and Insurance Aspects

Rights, Solutions, Settlement and Eviction process [Video]

 Landlord-tenant relationships are fundamental to housing and rental markets across India. However, disputes and conflicts often arise between landlords trying to protect their property and assets and tenants fighting to assert their occupancy rights and demand habitable living conditions. Key factors like skyrocketing urban housing costs, limited rent control, gaps and ambiguity in tenancy laws, lack of proper dispute resolution mechanisms, and power asymmetry between parties contribute to an adversarial dynamic.

Common Disputes Between Landlords and Tenants

Typically, disputes between a landlord and tenant arise for several reasons. Some of them are non-payment or delay in rent payments, carrying out unauthorized modifications in the rented property, subletting without the landlord’s permission, or refusing to evict the property even after an eviction notice.

Some frequent disputes between landlords and tenants:

  • Non-payment or delays in rent payment by tenants: Tenants failing to pay rent on time or at all is one of the most common sources of conflict. Late or missed payments can put a …
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