Advocacy and Safety Campaigns

Rise in guns stolen from cars, Everytown for Gun Safety reports [Video]

Based on the FBI data, Portsmouth ranks in the top 10 for cities with the highest rates of guns stolen from cars in 2022 with 191 stolen guns.

NORFOLK, Va. — People are stealing guns out of cars at an alarming rate in the U.S.

That’s according to a new study from the gun safety group “Everytown” that shows a sharp increase in the last decade. The group analyzed FBI data that shows the rate of guns stolen from cars has tripled in the last decade, making them the largest source of stolen guns in the country.

Ten years ago, a quarter of gun thefts were from cars. In 2022, that number jumped to more than half: 62,000.

The report from Everytown says on average, at least one gun is stolen from a car every nine minutes. However, that’s likely an undercount since only one-third of states require you to report lost or stolen guns.

Based on the FBI data, Portsmouth ranks …

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