FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I

Stumpy, iconic DC cherry tree, removed from Tidal Basin NBC4 Washington [Video]


After years of blooming despite all odds, the little cherry tree that could … can’t anymore.

Stumpy is dead.

We knew this day was coming: that Stumpy’s time with us was coming to a close. The National Park Service gave us plenty of warning during peak bloom, when they told us rehabilitation of the Tidal Basin seawall would require the removal of more than 100 trees, Stumpy included, sometime this spring.

We even knew it made scientific sense. Stumpy’s home in the gentle but relentless flooding between the Ohio Drive Bridge and the Jefferson Memorial wasn’t a good place for any tree.

Flowers were left as a farewell for the cherry tree nicknamed “Stumpy” during high tide at the Tidal Basin on March 28. The National Park Service announced that it will begin to cut down over 140 cherry trees around the Tidal Basin and West Potomac Park in anticipation of construction …

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