Legal and Insurance Aspects

Taking a close look at the complaint against Brandon McManus, Jaguars [Video]

On Friday, two flight attendants employed by Atlas Air filed a lawsuit against the Jaguars and former Jaguars (now Commanders) kicker Brandon McManus. PFT has obtained and reviewed a copy of the complaint.

You can review it, too, if you like. Here’s the link.

The plaintiffs have opted to proceed under the Jane Doe pseudonym. That was a point of contention in the lawsuits filed three years ago against Deshaun Watson, because Watson argued he didn’t know who was accusing him of wrongdoing. In this case, that shouldn’t be an issue; the Jaguars and McManus should be able to discern without much effort or guesswork the names of the individuals who are suing.

The plaintiffs are both residents of Harris County, Texas. That would help explain the decision to hire Houston-based attorney Tony Buzbee.

At paragraph 9, the complaint makes this broad allegation: “The NFL is no stranger to scandal, especially when it comes to offenses against women. Despite a pervasive …

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