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The British Royal Family: A cult of obsession [Video]

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Support for an Australian Republic referendum is persistently stifled by the mainstream media’s obsession with treating the Royal family as celebrities, writes Rosemary Sorensen.

THE BRITISH ROYALS’ public relations department – no doubt numbering more workers than the entire workforce of an average-sized hospital – must be currently working very hard to prop up the expensively-maintained image of a family that is, in reality, beset by rather a lot of strife.

Following the death of the mild-mannered matriarch, King Charles III and his Queen Camilla are a tough call for the most inventive image-masseurs — what with his impatience towards the underlings and their lack of that graciousness that Elizabeth II was able to display, seemingly at will.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are another fly in the ointment – and Edward more than an embarrassment – so it’s not surprising that, of late, the PR people are going hard on Prince William, Kate …

FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II