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Understanding TBI: How Brain Injuries Affect Work Performance [Video]


Understanding TBI: How Brain Injuries Affect Work Performance

In our podcast Mind Matters, we explore all things related to Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs). Today’s focus: the impact of brain injuries on careers. We’ll discuss how it affects work life and what accommodations are crucial. Stick around for valuable insights. Let’s dive in!

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00:00:00 Traumatic brain injuries’ impact on work life.

Shane and John discuss the prevalence of brain injuries in accidents, including slip and falls and motor vehicle accidents, and how they can impact a person’s ability to work.

Repeated head trauma can lead to more severe symptoms and a higher likelihood of sustaining another concussion, making it important for athletes to be monitored and pulled from competition when necessary.

Traumatic brain injuries can cause a wide range of symptoms impacting work performance, including forgetfulness, inattention, and vision issues.

00:03:54 TBI impact on work ability, predictors of poor outcomes.

John: 40% of people with TBI return to work, but may not be fully functional.

Shane: Studies show people may not realize full extent of TBI impact on work performance.

The Glasgow Coma score is a predictor of poor long-term outcomes in head injury cases, especially for older individuals.

Lower pre-injury education or occupation, as well as limited access to good treatment, can result in poor outcomes.

00:08:45 Factors affecting brain injury recovery, including social support, substance abuse history, and impulse control.

Shane and John discuss the importance of social support for individuals with medical conditions, particularly in accessing healthcare services and recovering after an accident.

They highlight the role of churches and other community organizations in providing emotional and practical support to individuals in need.

Substance abuse history can worsen brain injury outcomes due to reduced impulse control and non-compliance with treatment.

00:12:19 TBI impact on work and employment support options.

Shane and John discuss challenges faced by brain injury victims in accessing transportation.

Vocational rehabilitation counselors help individuals with TBI navigate return to work process.

00:15:30 Vocational rehabilitation for brain injury patients.

John and Shane discuss the importance of consulting a vocational rehabilitation expert for individuals with moderate to severe brain injuries.

Clients and family members should push for this recommendation from their neurologist, especially for more serious cases.

John suggests accommodations for employees with brain injuries, such as voice-assisted notation software.

00:19:31 Brain injury accommodations for work success.

John and Shane discuss potential changes to help brain injury survivors return to work.

Important members of a brain injury survivor’s winning team include healthcare providers, vocational rehab experts, and lawyers.

Shane emphasizes the importance of finding a TBI specialist or concussion expert for medical care.

John highlights the value of support from employers and co-workers for long-term success.

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