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Wife of Colonel Belcher Carewest resident raises concerns about staffing [Video]

Preventing Accidents

This week, families and advocates have been sounding the alarm about a mental-health program at a Calgary long-term care home.

But that’s not the only safety concern at Colonel Belcher Carewest.

According to a loved one, staffing shortages are also putting residents at risk.

Christine Prosser’s 89-year-old husband, Stanley, has dementia and has been at Colonel Belcher Carewest since November 2023.

She is happy to visit the love of her life every day but says the staff is stretched so thin, she has to provide a lot of his care herself.

The senior is exhausted and says it’s unsafe since she can’t lift her husband, who often falls.

“There’s days I feel I can’t go on,” Prosser said.

Prosser said recent staffing changes have made things worse.

“It’s a challenging time right now for my husband, me and I think a lot of loved ones that are in the Carewest facilities,” she said.

Christine Prosser’s 89-year-old husband, Stanley, has …

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