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Woman partially paralyzed when singer did a stage dive at Buffalo concert shows signs of improvement [Video]

Spinal Cord Injuries

Bird Piché, 24, was in the crowd at Mohawk Place when the lead singer of the band Trophy Eyes did a stage dive into the audience, landing on Piché.

Bird Piché, 24, was in the crowd at Mohawk Place when the lead singer of the band Trophy Eyes did a stage dive into the audience, landing on Piche.

She was seriously hurt and suffered a spinal cord injury.

Piche and her family spoke to NBC News and has told them she has regained use of her arms and some leg function.

She’s still not able to move her hands or toes though.

“I’m going to rehab either later today or tomorrow, but they do think I’ll have full recovery,” Piché told NBC News. “Nothing is certain, obviously, but they are predicting l will have full recovery of everything.  

“So my legs, it’s involuntary, have been kicking a lot lately. I can’t control it,” said Piché, a patient service …

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