Pediatric Injuries

Women Supporting Mothers: Happy Mother’s Day! [Video]

Women Supporting Mothers: Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

This past Friday, a powerhouse of 65 incredibly dedicated and compassionate women came together at MATTER for the first annual Women Supporting Mothers. Sponsored by Jeannie Burns Buckner and Bethany Nelson, the women gathered for one mission: to assemble birthing kits for moms-to-be in Zimbabwe. Expectant mothers in Zimbabwe, as in many parts of the world, are required to provide their own medical supplies for childbirth. Unfortunately, many mothers don’t have the means to obtain these essential items. But thanks to the collective kindness of these remarkable women, 250 birthing kits will soon be on their way to the Victoria Falls Hospital and the Jeannine Burns Buckner Maternal and Pediatric Hospital in Binga. With these kits on hand, young moms will have one less thing to worry about as they prepare to welcome their newborns and experience the joy of motherhood!

#mothersday #momsmatter #womensupportingmothers #MATTERnation

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